
Our Church Grounds

At Lincroft Presbyterian Church we are fortunate to have many areas on the surrounding grounds that are special and have a persona.  We have trees, paths and a playground that are dedicated to past members, and other areas that have been constructed for LCP by young members of the church.

When you enter LPC grounds and view these areas, think of the people connected with them. Let us remember and care for them.

Prayer Path

One of these dedicated areas is The Prayer Path, located on the right as you enter the parking lot. This is a path in the shape of a cross with three benches for sitting, meditation, contemplation, and prayer.  A white butterfly bush sits at the center as a focal point.

Created by Kevin Smith

The Prayer Path was constructed by Kevin Smith, son of members Donna & Mike Smith, as an Eagle Scout Project with Boy Scout Troop #32, River Plaza, NJ. It was his original idea and design and was completed in July 2004.

Memorial Trees

Many of the trees on our grounds have special meaning. Eight Pink Kwanza Cherry trees line the edge of LPC property on West Front Street. They are dedicated and placed there in memory of Jennie Giguere – mother of church member Jill Humann.

Two pink Weeping Cherry trees on the West Side (office side) of the church building. They are dedicated to the memory of Carol O’Donnell – mother of church member Tammy O’Donnell.

A Bradford flowering pear tree planted next to our handicapped parking spaces was gifted to us and planted on May 10, 2005 by Interim Pastor Alan Schaefer and labeled “Thank You, O God, for Lincroft Presbyterian Church and Our MinisTREE Together.”