This incomparably great power available to us… is the same as the mighty strength God exerted when he raised Christ from the dead. (Eph. 1:20)
THAT is the power you and I have because we are in the Body of Christ – the body of believers through whom the rest of the world can see what it looks like when we “seek first the kingdom of God.”
We know very well what worldly power looks like. What does the power of Christ look like in you and me, and in the church? How well are you accessing and recognizing it? Or does this sound too good to be true?
To access the power that is already here, marinate in prayer and Scripture, and take on these three practices:
- Go DEEP in your faith.
- Commit to and rely on your faith community — and the wider church.
- Be vulnerable before the Holy Spirit.
That’s enough. God will take care of the rest.