PENTECOST: A Season to Reconnect

PENTECOST: A Season to Reconnect

Happy Birthday to The Church. What is Pentecost? Did you know that originally Pentecost was the Jewish festival for the changing of season and spring harvest?  That is why there were so  many people in Jerusalem the day the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples.  The...

Soul Care: Celebrating Sabbath (Lent)

Do you need rest? A way to gain renewal, strength and delight? We invite you to stop. The word Sabbath means stop (working), and it’s an ancient Jewish AND Christian practice for wellness. Come on a journey with two church congregations and learn how this...
Mark Shares His Photo Album

Mark Shares His Photo Album

Looking at Snapshots of Jesus’ life, his healing work and the wonder of what God is doing in Christ, then and now. In the room, Sunday at 10:00 am or via Zoom Mark Shares his Photo Album