How LPC Can Help Change a Child’s World through a Partnership
with the Non-Profit Bridge of Books Foundation
Luke 4:16
“And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue
on the Sabbath and stood up to read.”
The ability to read even in Biblical times was truly a God-given gift. Today, whether verses from scripture, a good novel, classic literature or a current events website, reading gives us a window into the world and helps us better understand ourselves and others. To that end, Bridge of Books Foundation, a 20-year-old non-profit in Rumson, has brought the joy of reading and access to books to NJ’s most vulnerable children. Recently, it collected over 9,000 books to deliver to Afghan children who are living at Joint Base McGuire/Ft. Dix in southern NJ, while their families wait for final entry into the USA.
However, the organization is at a crossroads. It has had to rely on storage units to hold, sort and distribute books to children across the state and at least 22 groups have asked for used and new books from the organization.

Abby Daly, founder of Bridge of Books Foundation (BoB) recently visited LPC with her board members, seeking a location where she and her volunteers can receive, sort and organize books for distribution. LPC has the right kind of classroom space for the BoB mission, which would offer us an opportunity to use our classrooms for long-term impact, locally and regionally.
With such an arrangement, we also have an opportunity to host events or activities for the organization, demonstrating that a Church really is about its people and the community it serves. Together, we can be part of a solution to provide the next generation with the joy of reading. A recent article in Red Bank Green, highlighted how the groups works with the community to make difference for children right here in Monmouth County.
We pray we can finalize this arrangement and provide Bridge of Books Foundation with a place that offers them sustainable growth and impact.
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